Udemy is the leading marketplace for online learning and teaching. It offers 130,000 online courses globally at very affordable rates. By enrolling to these courses one can gain skills and transform his life in a meaningful way.
Udemy offers
courses from every field of life like Business, Development, IT &
Software Technology, Finance & Accounting, Personal Development,
Design, Marketing, Lifestyle, Photography & Video, Health &
Fitness, Music, Teaching, Academics and many more..
Udemy like other learning platforms( Fiverr) also
offers an affiliate program to promote its courses. You can earn 15%
commission by selling Udemy's online courses. This affiliate program is
run by Rakuten LinkShare. In order to join this affiliate program you
have to first signup for LinkShare and then you can apply.
LinkShare is a free-to-join affiliate network. You can apply from any
part of the world because it offers three type of payment methods to its
affiliates i.e Bank Transfer(Wire Transfer/Direct Deposit), PayPal
& Check. If PayPal is not available in your country you can receive
your payments directly in your local bank account.
In this tutorial we will cover following topics:
- How Much You Can Earn
- How It Works
- How To SignUp On LinkShare & Apply To Affiliate Program
How Much You Can Earn
much you can earn from Udemy depends on how many sales your produce.
Cost of courses on Udemy varies from course-to-course. Sometimes Udemy
offers extraordinary discounts for a specific time period where every
course is offered only at $11.99 or $12.99.
say there is a course which costs $129. You produce 50 sales of that
course per month. The 15% of $129 is equal to $19.35. Your monthly
earnings will be $19.35 X 50 = $967.5 . So how much you can earn depends on how many sales your produce and cost of the course.
How It Works
- First step is signup for LinkShare and apply to Udemy affiliate program, as you will learn below.
- Once you are approved by Udemy you will have access to banners and affiliate links of all its courses. Normally Udemy takes 2 to 4 days to review your request.
- Using your affiliate links & banners you can promote your desired courses on your blog/website , social media etc. When you produce valid sales or purchases you will earn 15% commission. Cookie period is 7 days.
- Payments are paid every month via Direct Deposit, PayPal and Check. The minimum payment threshold is $50.
How To Apply For Udemy Affiliate Program
we have mentioned above that before you apply for Udemy affiliate
program you must sign up on Rakuten LinkShare. Once you are successfully
signed-up you can apply for Udemy affiliate program and lot of other
affiliate programs.
have created a separate tutorial for how to sign-up on Rakuten
LinkShare and apply to Udemy affiliate program. You will learn following
topics step-by-step:
- How To SignUp For Rakuten LinkShare
- How To Complete Account Profile
- How To Configure Payment Methods
- How To Apply For Affiliate Programs
- How To Use Your Affiliate Links & Banners
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