Here are the most used Microsoft Office Word keyboard shortcuts with descriptions and shortcut name. In this shortcuts key list ' +' symbol means you have to press those two or three keys simultaneously on the keyboard.
Microsoft Office Word Keyboard Shortcut Keys List
Shortcut Keys | Tool Name | Description |
Ctrl + N | New document | Create a new document. |
Ctrl + O or Ctrl + F12 | Open | Opens an existing document. |
Ctrl + S or Shift + F12 | Save | Saves the active document. |
F12 | Save as | Opens a save as dialog box. |
Ctrl + A | Select | Selects all contents of the Page. |
Ctrl + P or Ctrl + Shift + F12 | Prints the active documents. | |
Ctrl + F2 | Print Preview | To show a preview of the page as printed. |
F7 | Spelling | Check the spelling of the active document page. |
Ctrl + X | Cut | Cuts the selected text or illustrations (i.e shapes, SmartArt & Chart) and puts it on the clipboard. |
Ctrl + C | Copy | Copies the selected Text or illustrations and puts it on the clipboard. |
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert | Paste | Inserts the clicpboard contents at the insertion point. |
Ctrl + Z | Undo | Reverses certain commands. |
Ctrl + Y | Redo | Reverses the action of the undo buton. |
Ctrl + Shift + C | Format Printer | Copies the formating of the selected text to a specified location. |
F1 | Help | Provides the help for working on Microsoft Office Word. |
Ctrl + F | Find | Opens Find and Replace dialog box with find tab. |
Ctrl + K | Insert | Insert link. |
Ctrl + Del. or Ctrl + Backspace | Delete | Deletes word to the right of cursor and for Ctrl + Backspace delets word to the left of cursor. |
Alt + Shift + D or Alt + Shift + T | Insert | Insert the current date and for Alt + Shift + T insert the current time. |
Ctrl + Shift + F | Font | Changes the font size of the selected text. |
Ctrl + Shift + S | Style | Applies a style or records a style |
Ctrl + Shift + P | Font Size | Changes the font size of the selected text. |
Ctrl + B | Bold | Makes the selected text Bold. |
Ctrl + I | Italic | Makes the selected text Italic. |
Ctrl + U | Underline | Makes the selected text underline. |
Ctrl + L | Aligned Left | Aligns the paragraph at left indent. |
Ctrl + E | Center | Center the paragraph between the indents. |
Ctrl + R | Align Right | Aligns the paragraph at the right indent. |
Ctrl + 5 | Line Space | To increase line spacing. |
Ctrl + J | Justify | Aligns the paragraph at both right and left indents. |
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